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Tea seller

Agra, India, 2017

Hailo ! 
Come to me.
Smile at me.
Look me straight in the eye.
Let me tell you,
my desires and laughter,
my doubts and dreams.

From this great whirlwind
of noise and hot smells
that rocks my days and nights,
I offer you
my greatest treasure,
the pathway to delights.

What you see
Is who I am.
I cannot hide myself.
So I ask you,
Let us dance our souls
In a frank and laughing game.

Come to me.
Smile at me.
Look me straight in the eye.
Be transported
and forget
your color and mine,
our fortunes and misfortunes.

Behind the veil
of apparent differences
that wraps around our lives,
do you see
the same playful desire
of true happiness?

What I have
I give to you.
I have nothing to lose.
So I ask you,
let’s connect our connections
and drink tea together.


Poem by Sylvain Dodier 

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